Unsigned reviews
Over on
Fanfiction.net I've been posting three of my stories that I've been working on.
One of those is titled "Ranma - Senshi of the Moon." The premise of
that story is that Ranma is the reincarnated soul of Queen Serenity's daughter
and the one destined to be Sailor Moon. However I have changed the time frame
for this to the 21st Century. I've also allowed the Senshi to be a bit more
grown up when they take up their powers. In my story they are all 17 and 18
rather than 14 as in canon.
have mostly been positive for what I have posted so far. However there was one
review where the person writing it said he would stop reading. He (or she)
didn't like how I handled the breakup between Ranma and Akane, saying that I
was ignoring 38 volumes of slow buildup of the R/A romance.
The problem
with that review is that the writer of the review wasn't signed in and was just
listed as "Guest." Anyone is free to voice their opinion and I would
be one of the first to defend that right. However, by not "Signing"
the review, that guest has deprived me of the right to reply and to defend my
choices made in the writing of the story.
The story
that this person was complaining about is supposed to take place in the Sailor
Moon world. I have no plans for Akane to make any appearances in the story
other than references being made by characters. Ryoga will make an appearance
and I was toying with the idea of Kasumi being Sailor Titan. That is the only
appearance of any members of the NWC that I have planned.
To keep
Akane out of the story I would either need her to dump Ranma, him to dump her
or write her as dead at Jusendo. My feeling was that to kill Akane off would
result in Ranma carrying too much emotional baggage. If Ranma's dumped, he can
concentrate in moving on with his life.
There is
one additional thought I would offer up to that anonymous reviewer, if you are
reading this blog. The story about Ranma as Sailor Moon is fan fiction. As the
author of such a work, I feel no obligation to any slavish adherence to canon.
I may alter canon events, relationships or characters as I see fit for the sake
of the story.
In my
writing I am not a strict Akane fan. I have written fics where she is Ranma's
soul mate and others where she is not. In fact, in my fic "Soul
Divide" I write her as turning into an uber psyco-bitch who snaps and
comes close to killing Ranma and tries to kill Nodoka.
In other
news I have just started on the opening chapters of a Ranma/Harry Potter
crossover. In that one I have Harry taken away after surviving the attack by
Voldemort and being sent to be raised by Nodoka. An amulet changes Harry to
look Asian and hides him from detection by Dumbledore and all of the others
trying to find him.
For a bit
of a twist with that one, I want to put into the background that Nodoka is a
witch who attended Hogwarts in the past and is a good friend of Minerva
Magonagall. Right after graduating from Hogwarts, she meets the Doctor (Dr.
Who) on one of his visits to London. She travels with him as a companion for
about a year of her personal subjective time. When she meets Magonagall, it
will be right as the professor is looking for some alternative to placing Harry
with the Dursley's.
The doctor
will return Nodoka to her own time but will take a little forward in time and
drop him off with Nodoka after she has gotten married to Genma. Genma will be
put under a memory charm so that he will be led to believe that Harry (now
Ranma) is his own child and that the lightning bolt scar came from the boy
falling down and hitting his head.
Thanks to
the time travel, Ranma will actually be 18 when the date of Harry's 11th
birthday arrives. Magic aging mushrooms will make Ranma the right age so that
when the letters go out from Hogwarts, he (She) will get one.
I'm also
going to try and get first and second chapters of some of my newer stories ready
for posting on this blog. These stories consist of "Stripes" (Ranma
as a tiger cat girl), "Mixed Feelings" (Lemon with Ranma, and much of
the NWC turning into futanari) and "Pursuit of Peace" (Ranma-chan fic
where she meets up with Tofu and finds that he left Nerima because he was in
love, not with Kasumi, but Ranma's girl form.)