Ranma-Kun & Ranma-Chan

Ranma-Kun & Ranma-Chan

Friday, February 24, 2012

Story - Futanari Ranma - Chapter 4

Futanari Ranma
A Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction
by Michael A. Ivins

Ranma, his family, friends and rivals are the property of Rumiko Takahashi. I get no money for writing this story. Mostly I just have some fun sharing the products of my imagination with others. I also do not own any of the characters from Manga (or is that doujin) Futa Club.

This chapter has LEMON content. If you find that sort of thing offensive, stop reading

Chapter 4
Amazon Law

While Ranma normally ate almost faster than the eye could see, he took his time eating his burgers and fries. He wanted to wait until the dinner rush died down, as that was a good indicator of when things would similarly slow down at the Nekohanten. When he felt it was late enough, Ranma headed over there. He roof hopped the whole way but paused on the last roof, looking down at the restaurant.

This was going to be tough. If this was a straight on battle of martial arts, he would have felt more confident. This was going to be a battle of words and wits. Ranma knew he wasn't like the joke he'd heard of an unarmed man in a battle of wits, but still felt under prepared to face someone of Cologne's age and experience.

He firmed up his resolve and embraced the Soul of Ice. To give in to his anger would not help his cause.

Shortly he landed on the sidewalk in front of the restaurant. He walked up to the door and pushed it open, pausing just inside the entrance to look around. The place was now mostly empty with only three tables still occupied. From his own time as a waitress in this place he knew that the act of opening the door sounded a bell to alert the staff to the coming of a new customer.

Almost immediately, Shampoo spied her beloved and ran toward him, shouting, "Oh Airen! You take Shampoo on date?"

Before the purple haired girl could get close enough to glomp, Ranma thrust a hand out, palm toward the oncoming girl. Putting a little ki amplification into his cold sounding voice, Ranma commanded, "Shampoo stop!"

Hearing the tone and seeing the expression on Ranma's face, the girl pulled up short. Her husband was not happy. It seemed evident that this was not a casual visit. It was confusing to her because she had only had the best intentions for what she did. She had hoped to rescue her husband from being forced into a marriage with the Kitchen Destroyer.

When he was satisfied that he wasn't going to be grabbed, Ranma said, "Shampoo, after what you did yesterday, I don't want to talk to you. I'm here to talk to the Old Gh... I mean Cologne."

Shampoo started to say, "But Airen..." Ranma made a chopping gesture with his hand and just said, "Ah!" The girl stood with a look of indecision as if she couldn't figure out what she should do.

At that moment the thumping of the Amazon Elder's staff could be heard as she pogoed in from the kitchen. "Hello, Son-in-Law. What brings you here today?"

"DON'T call me that!" Cologne was shocked by the amount of venom that was in the boy's tone. She called Ranma "Son-in-Law" to reinforce the claim, but also because she knew that it annoyed him. Annoying the young martial artist was fun. This time she could tell the teenager was well beyond mere annoyance.

For the moment she would yield on this one point. She knew from Shampoo's report of the events of the wedding the previous day that the boy had been under a great deal of stress. For the moment she was willing to cut him some slack.

"Very well, Ranma, I will indulge you this time," She responded. "You said you wished to talk to me. I'm guessing it is about the events of yesterday."

"Yes," he confirmed. "Could we go someplace private to talk?"

"We can talk in the office." She headed in that direction. She knew that Ranma had been in the restaurant's office before during the time he had worked as a waitress.

Shortly the Elder was seated behind her desk while Ranma sat in a chair in front. When he was more or less comfortably settled, the first question Ranma has was a simple one, "Did you know?"

Looking confused, Cologne repeated, "Did I know? Did I know what? I'm sorry but the report Shampoo gave on the events of the wedding was somewhat lacking in details. You'll have to be more specific."

Using the Soul of Ice, Ranma clamped down hard on his emotions. The Elder noticed the chill in the air and wondered.

The young martial artist asked, "Did Shampoo tell you about a cask of water and all the guys with Jusenkyo curses fighting over it?"

That didn't sound good. Her great granddaughter had mentioned a fight over a package, but had failed to mention that it was something that only Jusenkyo cursed males had tried to gain possession of. That fact by itself suggested what the contents of that "cask of water" might be.

She truthfully said, "Shampoo mentioned a fight among the men but didn't say it was only the ones with curses."

"I see," the boy said. "Then I will re-phrase the question. Did you know what actually getting splashed with Naniichuan water would do to a Jusenkyo cursed man?"

Oh, so that was what was getting the young man so upset that he needed the Soul of Ice to control his anger. Trying to give an evasive answer, the old woman said, "Like with many medicines, the man water can have different effects on different people."

The boy wasn't buying it. He said, "You're dodging the question. Let's try it this way: What effect does Naniichuan water have on most people who have some other Jusenkyo curse?"

The old woman kept her features placid but inwardly was cringing. She said, "For the great majority the new curse will mix with the existing one. If your father had been splashed with the water he would likely have turned into a black and white furred man with panda ears and a panda tail. I would imagine your cursed form would be a futanari, still looking like a girl but with male sexual organs added to the female ones."

She paused a moment. Although her expression was still controlled, she needed a moment summon enough composure to ask, "Are you asking these questions because you got splashed with the water in that cask?"

At Ranma's nod, the old woman closed her eyes a moment. It seemed evident from the boy's expression that his cursed form was altered as she had described. Depending on how the child dealt with it, this might not be a problem or it could be very bad indeed. She opened her eyes and asked, "Where did this 'cask of water' come from?"

The young man said, "From what I've been told, the cask arrived a few days ago from China. The writing on it said it was enough for just one person and the note that came with it said the Jusenkyo Guide sent it as a wedding gift in thanks for the help I gave against Saffron."

"The Guide?" The woman frowned. "I didn't think him such a fool. In spite of what you might have believed, you should never have come anywhere near Naniichuan water."

"So you let all the male curse victims in Nerima believe Naniichuan was a cure," Ranma stated rather than asked. "Tell me, did you think it was all some kind of a grand joke that a bunch of dumb males were working so hard to get hold of a cure that didn't work? No, it was worse than a cure that didn't work. What we all thought of as a cure would make things worse for any of us who got it. Well, even if you thought it was funny, I'm not laughing!"

"Son-in... I mean Ranma, I know the word 'sorry' doesn't come anywhere close to making things better," the Elder said, her head bowed. "I never thought there was any chance you could ever get Naniichuan water. You must understand that sometimes old people like myself will try to gain some amusement by playing around with young people. Taunting and teasing young people can become something of a sport to Elders like me. I see now that by withholding information on how Jusenkyo curses can mix I have done you a great disservice.

The young man didn't answer but the glare he directed toward her spoke volumes. Trying to reduce the tension between them, Cologne tried to re-direct the conversation to more practical matters. She asked, "Could you describe this container the water came in?"

"Huh?" Momentarily shaken out of his anger, Ranma complied with the request. He gave her his estimate of the dimensions of the cask along with the color and labeling. Based on how it felt when it struck him and broke, he told her what he believed to be the material it was made of.

The old woman took in the description thought for a moment. Finally she said, "I don't think it was the guide who sent you that water. Although he might have had access to one, the cask you describe is a type of container we often use in the village. That suggests to me that it wasn't the Guide that sent it to you, but one or more of my opponents on the Elder's Council."

Ranma considered that. It would make more sense, but it still didn't excuse the old woman for withholding the truth. Had he known what the water would do to him, Ranma would have avoided it as he would a deadly poison. His anger returned but he controlled it with the Soul of Ice. He asked, "And why would they do something like that?"

She explained, "There are some on the Council who have argued against having you brought back to the village. Some say it wasn't worth the effort. Others fear that having someone who could defeat Saffron in our midst could be a danger to us. I would guess that one or more of those elders tried to engineer the very situation we have right now - You angry and ready to demand that we leave."

Ranma shook his head. He had considered doing just that, but knew any demand of that sort he might make had no real weight. He said, "I'm not the government. I don't have the authority to demand that you leave the country. I was just going to demand that you leave me alone."

The matriarch nodded. "I understand."

"I did some checking," Ranma told her. "An international legal principal says that a traveler has to obey the laws of the country they are visiting, he or she doesn't take the laws of his homeland with him. If Shampoo had given me the Kiss of Marriage in your village I'd be legally bound to stay and get married. But, by your laws she gave me the wrong kiss since I was a Jusenkyo cursed man, not a naturally born woman."

He glared at the old woman. "When Shampoo did give me the Kiss of Marriage we were in Japan where the Kiss is not recognized as legal. I figure the reason for all of the potions, magic and other stuff you used was because you knew you didn't have a claim that was legal here. If you had been able to get me back to your village, Shampoo's claim would be legal there. I can't understand why nobody from your village tried to grab me when I was there to fight Saffron."

The old woman wanted to argue, but decided not to. She said, "It would seem that there are more who oppose bringing you to the village than support it. As for the legal issue, you understand it correctly. That was why we tried so hard to get you back to the village. Once we had you there, Shampoo's claim would be valid. I hope you realize that Shampoo really loves you."

"Even if I really believed that, I don't care!" was Ranma's hot rejoinder. "The way she chose to show her love may have been the kind of thing boys in your village would like, but that's not how we do things in Japan."

He paused a moment before continuing, "It wouldn't matter anyway. I love Akane. I found out yesterday that the change made to me by the man water doesn't bother her. She likes me that way and still wants to marry me."

Looking grim again, Ranma said, "Too many times I've heard Shampoo say 'Obstacles are for killing.' I am going to make you this promise. On my honor as a martial artist if Shampoo harms Akane in any way (other than maybe hurting her feelings) I will give the Kiss of Death to Shampoo. Then I will be the one chasing her to the ends of the earth to kill her. I've found my true love and won't put up with any threat to her."

"He sounds like he means it. A reading of his ki confirms it." the old woman thought. Out loud she said, "That should not be necessary," Cologne assured him. "I will tell Shampoo what you have said. She won't like it, but she will have to recognize the truth of it. She may still try to talk you into giving her a child. If you don't agree to that she may just try to get you to be her friend."

Shaking his head, Ranma replied, "To make a friend you have to be a friend first. I don't know how you make friends at your village, but the way Shampoo has acted toward me doesn't make me feel very friendly toward her."

"Shampoo has treated me like I was a thing, a prize to be claimed," the boy explained. "After how she acted at the wedding yesterday, I feel like I never want to talk to her again. If I ever did go to your village I would always resent Shampoo, maybe even hate her."

The old woman nodded. She could understand. However she still had one thing left to try. "I understand why you might feel that way now. Still, I know that among other characteristics, you have a kind and forgiving heart. For the present we will stay away from you and the Tendos with the exception of delivering food if they order it. If you should later find yourself willing to try friendship with Shampoo, contact us and we will try to correct past mistakes."

Expression skeptical, Ranma said, "We'll see. Before I say any more I just want it to be clear - there is no marriage between me and Shampoo and there never was. She never had a legal claim on me. Do you agree?"

Sighing, the Elder agreed, "Yes, it's true. Because the Kiss of Marriage was given in a different country, it was not a valid claim. Legally, there is no marriage between you and Shampoo."

Ranma sat back in his chair and said, "I thought you would put up more of a fight on this. You surprised me."

She shook her head. "You shouldn't be. The whole 'You are already married to Shampoo and must go back to the village' argument was a deception, If it were not, if the claim were valid and legal, I could have petitioned the government to enforce it."

"I admit it. You have caught us out. To be honest I never expected you to be as stubborn as you have been. I expected we would have had you back in the village a long time ago. It may comfort you to know that you are a most exceptional man, unlike any we in our village have previously encountered."

She continued, "I will be honest with you. I have grown tired of the pursuit. At the start it was fun. It was entertaining to watch. There were times I almost found myself hoping you would resist Shampoo's latest effort even if only to keep the game going. I see that by taking such an attitude I have, however indirectly, contributed to your current state."

She added, "It's because you are so different from one of our men that we so badly mishandled this. If you had been like one of our men you'd be back in the village already. As things stand now I wonder if it might be more appropriate to offer you honorary membership in the tribe as a warrior (in your girl form, of course.)"

Shocked that the old woman would even suggest such a thing, Ranma questioned, "Wouldn't my combined curse disqualify me for that?"

Shaking her head, the elder said, "Oddly enough, no. It may surprise you to learn that we already have two warriors in our tribe who bear such combined curses. We give them full warrior status. Both are married to other women and I've been told the marriages are happy ones. Those warriors have had themselves locked into their cursed form because they prefer them to what they were before."

"There are more people like me out there?" Ranma was feeling a sense of wonder. Although on further thought he realized there had to be others. What would Akane have been fantasizing over otherwise?

"Hah!" The elder seemed amused. "Further into the mountains of our region there is village populated solely by people who are both sexes at the same time. They have been there for fourteen hundred years. They are known to the Musk and to a few in my tribe. The Phoenix may be aware of them, but then again they may not. If so they don't share that knowledge with us."

"A whole village of herm... herma... hermaphrodites?"

"Yes," the tiny woman said in a thoughtful tone. "I know you think the culture of my village is strange. Keep that thought in mind when I tell you that I think the village of Futar has a very strange culture."

Ranma nodded. If a person from a culture such as the Amazons thought someone else's culture was strange that could mean one of two things. Either they were what he might consider normal or they could be very strange indeed.

"In the Village of Futar none of the residents is fully male or female," she began. "All are both. In some ways they are like the Phoenix people. In their village they have a single magic spring. The curse on that spring is to change any person into a hermaphrodite. Also like the Phoenix they have been in their dual-sexed forms for so many generations that it is their natural form just as the winged form is natural to the Phoenix."

"I have been told that in the past, as a sort of ritual, every baby born in the village was bathed in the spring within minutes of the birth. The Futar have their own magic vessel that produces locking water and they use that on their babies."

"The people of that village claim that many of the problems in the world stem from the 'battle of the sexes' and that the world would be a better place if all people were both sexes at the same time. I'm sure that if they could, they would do everything possible to extend their 'blessing' to everyone in the outside world. As it is they run a business where they sell transformation water to those who wish to become futanari."

"That is strange," Ranma agreed. "Wait a minute! 'Generations?' Are you saying that I could get pregnant in my cursed form? That I could get a girl pregnant? I didn't even know for sure if the girl form I had before could get pregnant."

"Of course you could have gotten pregnant," Cologne replied, surprised at the boy's ignorance, or was he simply naive? "All it would have taken would be for you to have had to have sex with a man. Of course that doesn't automatically guarantee that you will get pregnant, but the potential is there. I seriously doubt that someone as adamant about their masculinity as you would allow that to happen. Although I suppose you might have wanted to try it out of curiosity. Did you?"

"No!" Ranma found the very concept of having sex with a man disgusting. It had been true that he, she at the time, had seriously considered doing it with Akane if she were able to acquire a mixed curse. The idea of having a cock in his... her pussy if the cock were attached to Akane was strangely exciting. That was information the he was definitely not going to share with the old woman.

"You said that Akane was willing to accept you even with this recent change?"

"Yeah," Ranma confirmed.

The Elder nodded. "Then it would be a good idea if you remember that you could get her pregnant even if you have sex with her in your cursed form. If you really wish to get married to her and have a fully sexual relationship you may wish to use protection until the two of you are ready to have children."

"Uh... Thanks, I'll keep that in mind." Was the Old Ghoul actually giving a helpful suggestion? Maybe she was. She had taught him those Amazon fighting techniques in the past, so it wasn't that strange that she might be helpful now.

Cologne said, "I will tell Shampoo and Mousse. I will try to break it to my Great Granddaughter gently by holding out the hope that you might get over your anger and at least agree to let her be your friend."

Ranma nodded. He warned, "You'd better tell Mousse that if he wants to 'punish me' for making Shampoo sad, I'm not in the mood for any of his crap. If anything he should be happy that I'm not getting married to Shampoo."

"I'll tell him and I will deliver your warning," the elder promised. "Considering what you've told me of your feelings toward Akane, will you be having another wedding soon?"

Ranma had half risen from his seat when the question was asked. He stood the rest of the way up and said, "I do want to get married and she says she wants to. The problem is that if we hold another wedding there are likely to be more problems. It might be better if we eloped."

The Elder frowned. "I was under the impression that you and Miss Tendo are below the age where you may marry on your own at least in the city of Tokyo. Don't you need to get parental consent before you may be wed?"

"I'll talk to Akane about it," Ranma said. "Maybe we can figure something out. Maybe her father can be talked into signing off on it because of all the trouble we had with yesterday's wedding."

"Would your father agree?" Cologne asked.

Ranma shrugged. "Maybe he would, but I don't have to depend on him. The law only says that a 'parent' must consent. My mom would probably be happy to sign off on it. She'd think it was a terribly manly thing for me to do and it would put her that much closer to grandchildren."

"Hmm, your mother does seem a little obsessed on that subject."

Ranma walked to the door of the office and exited. By this time the restaurant was empty of customers and Shampoo was putting the chairs up on the tables in preparation for sweeping and mopping the floors. Mousse was cleaning in the kitchen.

Before the purple haired girl could rush forward in attempt to glomp the man she thought of as her husband, Cologne hopped between them and said, "No, Shampoo. Ranma is angry with you for the way you behaved yesterday. It would be best if you left him alone for a time to let him calm down. I will talk more to you about this later."

The look of disappointment was clear on Shampoo's face, but she accepted what her Great Grandmother said. She didn't understand why Ranma should feel angry. Shampoo had just done what she could to rescue Ranma from marriage to the Kitchen Destroyer. Nobody deserved to be married to a violent girl who hit Ranma all the time and who could turn perfectly good food into toxic waste. Still, she would keep her distance for now.

Ranma had to wait for Cologne to unlock the door before he could exit the building. He quickly roof hopped back to the Tendo home. He made one stop on the way to pick up condoms at a drugstore on his route. When he got inside he found Akane was in the living room, watching TV.

The youngest Tendo saw him and said, "Kasumi, our fathers and your mother have already gone to bed. Nabiki is in her room, probably working on the cost estimates for repairing the Dojo. I think we should go to my room and talk."

From her book bag Akane pulled a bottle of drinking water and a thermos. Ranma didn't need to ask what those were for. He had brought a bottle of water as well. He hadn't brought the thermos, though so Akane was thinking farther ahead than he was.

Since he had managed to get through the day mostly staying a guy, he pulled out his own water bottle and used it to change to futanari. Instead of commenting, Akane tossed Ranma a towel to dry herself off and mop up the water that dripped to the floor.

When Ranma had dried off her clothes she got out of them and draped them over the back of the desk chair. Now naked, Ranma futa walked over to sit next to Akane on the bed.

At that moment Akane threw her arms around her fiancé and gave her a tight hug. "I love you Ranma. I'm sorry I didn't say it before. I'd like to have sex right now, but we have things to discuss."

Ranma felt her cock beginning to stir both from the hug and Akane's words. She let it stiffen, but still said, "Ok, let's talk."

"So how did it go with the Amazons?" Akane asked.

Ranma gave her a quick rundown of the conversation he'd had.

"So Shampoo is going to leave you alone?" Akane said hopefully.

"I hope so," the futanari answered. "Cologne made her back off today and it should last for at least a few days. I don't really know if I want to have Shampoo as a friend. I don't know if she understands how to be a friend. Still, I guess I owe the old woman for the training in Chestnut fist and Hiryu Shoten Ha."

Akane appeared troubled. "Gratitude has it's place, but it can be carried too far."

Nodding, Ranma responded, "I know."

Turning to something Ranma had said, Akane remarked, "There's a whole village of futanari?"

"That's what Cologne said," the redhead replied.

In a thoughtful tone, Akane said, "Maybe I should write to them about getting some cursed water."

"Write to them?" Ranma was confused. "Why would you want to write to them?"

"Remember when I asked if you'd like to try getting fucked by me if I could become like you and get a cock while still otherwise a girl?" Akane inquired. "Would you still be willing?"

Ranma blushed and said, "Yeah. I thought about it and I have to confess that the idea really does sort of turn me on. The idea of doing it with a guy still disgusts me, but for some reason I can't get the thought out of my mind about you getting a cock and fucking me with it. I can't explain it."

The dark haired girl explained, "I've really wanted to become a futanari myself, since I learned there were such people. I never really thought it was possible, but then you got your mixed curse and proved it could happen. I've come up with a plan. It's not a terribly complicated plan. I write letters to all of the people who have access to Jusenkyo water who I think might be inclined to send me some mixed Naniichuan and Nyaniichuan waters."

She went on to explain what she had told Yuka about her plan.

"You've been having sex with Yuka?" Ranma said.

"Well, yes," Akane acknowledged. "I've been doing that since before I met you. There's no romance involved in it, we just do it for fun. You shouldn't look at that like it was any betrayal of you. I like Yuka and I like having sex with her, but I love you, not her."

Ranma looked troubled. Not having been exposed to normal dating behavior and television for most of her life, the red haired futa was unfamiliar with the concept of cheating on a girlfriend or spouse. She did know that the thought of Akane having sex with someone else made her feel uneasy.

Well, in spite of her misgivings, Ranma dismissed the feeling. Akane didn't seem to think it was a big deal that she was having sex with both Yuka and Ranma and, based on what Akane said about it, Yuka didn't seem to mind sharing Akane with Ranma.

"Wow, you really do want to be a futanari," Ranma finally responded. "I'm not so sure it's a good idea to write to all of those people. For one thing it sort of makes public my curse and your sexual preferences."

Akane argued, "Those people are in China in an isolated, remote region. It's not likely they are going to go spreading this information around in Japan."

"Do you trust Yuka?" Ranma asked.

"Yes, I do," the girl answered. "Yuka has known about my fetish since I first learned of it myself. It was through her that I was introduced to the concept. She's never told anyone at school, not even Sayuri."

Akane looked uncertain now. "Uh... would you be willing to trust Yuka on my word?"

"I... guess so," was the hesitant reply. "I mean you already did tell her about me and she's willing to help you try and change to be like me."

"I didn't mention that she put two conditions on her help," the girl said.

"What conditions?"

Akane listed them and her own modification of the second one.

Shaking her head, Ranma said, "I can understand why she would want to witness you using the water. As long as you two have known each other and being sex partners, I guess it makes sense. The other condition, I'm not so sure about. I hope you realize that you were the first person I ever actually had sex with. I'm not some porn star super stud like I've heard guys at school talking about. I'd sort of be afraid that I'd embarrass myself if I tried to do what you said."

With a shrug, Akane replied, "Like I told Yuka, it will likely take at least a month even if one of the people I write to responds immediately. I think you can get some practice in with me in that time. Think of it as training."

Akane reached over and grabbed Ranma's cock and almost purred, "You're hard as a rock. Did the thought of fucking Yuka's ass turn you on?"

With a sudden grin the futa replied, "Actually it was more the thought of fucking your ass in training that got me so hard."

"Ooh, hold that thought," Akane instructed. She got up and quickly shed her clothes, then went to her closet. From the back she reached into her box of hentai stuff and pulled out a small bottle. She explained, "This is lube. The stuff I have here is mainly intended to be used with sex toys, but in a pinch it can be used to help you slide into my ass easier." She realized that she would have to get a better lube later.

With Ranma sitting on the side of the bed with her cock projecting out, Akane got on her knees. Opening the bottle, she poured out a generous measure of the lube into her palm. She smeared the thick, clear liquid on both hands then reached out and grasped Ranma's cock. She smeared the lube over the length of her lover's cock.

When she felt she had applied enough she got up and wiped her hands. After that she lay her upper body on the bed with her legs hanging off the side. This put her bare ass at just the right position. She turned her head and said, "Ok, stand up."

When Ranma had complied, Akane said, "Put the head of your cock against my anus. When I feel you in position, I'll tell you and you can start to push in. I'll try to relax my ass to make it easier for you to get your cock in."

After a few moments of getting into position, Akane said, "Ok, now push."

As instructed, Ranma pushed gently forward with her hips. The combination of the lube and Akane's effort to relax her anus worked because the head of Ranma's cock move in past the muscular ring of Akane's anus.

In encouraging tones, Akane said, "That's great, you have the head in. That's the widest part of your cock. It's time to put the rest in. Push with a gentle even pressure. It's going to feel tight for you and uncomfortable for me at first."

Wanting to avoid hurting her lover, Ranma eased her cock in slowly. Besides the slow friction was feeling quite good. The young futa was so getting into the sensation of sliding in for the first time that she was surprised when her lower abdomen and upper thighs touched Akane's butt cheeks.

"Oh," Akane almost moaned. "You feel so big back there. Please just hold it there and give me a moment or two to get used to your size."

A short while later Akane instructed, "Now move your hips to slowly pull out until only the head of your cock is still inside me. As soon as you reach that point start pushing in again."

The young futa did as instructed. She was smart enough to understand that after she was out as far as the head of her cock she pushed back in then pulled back out when she was back in as far as she could go. Before long she was settled into a nice slow rhythm.

"That's good, now go faster," Akane ordered. Ranma obeyed, speeding up slightly. They continued on this way for a while with Ranma speeding up when instructed. Eventually Ranma was moving quite fast and her hips and abdomen were slapping against Akane's butt. She finally spoke up to say, "I'm gonna cum." Although she felt like shouting, she kept her voice low to avoid waking any of the rest of the family.

Akane could feel the cum spraying into her bowels. Thanks to the caring and gentle way Ranma had fucked her ass, it had felt wonderful. She thought that with a little more practice, Ranma might actually be able to bring Akane to an orgasm from ass-fucking.

When Ranma could feel her cock starting to soften, she pulled out.

Akane told Ranma, "That was good for a first time. We'll still need some more practice, but that will have to be another day."

"Uh... Ranma I wanted to talk to you about something before you head off to bed."

"Oh, what about?" Asked Ranma.

"What I want to talk to you about is your curse," Akane replied.

This whole sex thing was so new to her. Hesitantly, Ranma said, "Ok."

"I told you about how I came to be interested in Futanari," She began. "You also know about the morning fights and the way Kuno treated me. I wasn't that fond of guys before that stuff started, and now the idea of sex with a boy makes me want to throw up."

Nodding, Ranma replied, "That's sort of how I feel about the idea of having sex with a guy. That's why I don't understand how I can feel excited by the idea of having sex with you as a futanari if you manage to become one.

Akane bowed her head. "Ranma I love you. It's not just a body that I love but the person inside. I love your character. I love the honesty, the honor and kindness. I think I love you enough that I'd be willing to force myself to have sex with you in your male form."

From the way she said it, Ranma could recognize that Akane was making a major concession. She said, "I wouldn't want you to do something you find so unpleasant."

"Thank you." The black haired girl sat for a moment. "When you asked if I wanted you to be locked in this form, I said I wouldn't do that to you. That's true, I would never insist on something like that. On the other hand I will have to admit that it would make me happy if it were to happen."

Now looking on the verge of tears, Akane confessed, "I hate it that I would feel happy over something that would bring you pain. I've hurt you so much over the time we've known each other with the mistrust, the mallet and the insults. I feel that I should tell you this now because if I waited I feared it could poison our relationship."

The girl couldn't help crying a little. "It's my fault you're even like this now. If I hadn't kicked that cask of water, you wouldn't have the mixed curse. Can you forgive me?"

At that Ranma smirked and chuckled a little. She said, "You know it isn't really fair to spring that kind of question on me right after we just got done having sex. Naturally I'm feeling pretty good right now and more likely to forgive you for making me like this."

She chuckled a bit more before turning more serious. "You know I was getting to the point where I was accepting the curse. I can't say that I really liked turning into a girl, but I didn't hate it. There were some things about it that were actually good. I even had the thought that if you had told me that you were a lesbian and the only way you could love me was if I had myself locked as a girl, I would have been willing to do that."

Akane's eyes went wide with that. Ranma actually cared enough about her that she would have been willing to be locked as a girl? This was certainly a revelation.

"I'll admit that when I found out about the mixed curse I wanted to die," Ranma confessed. "But then you told me that you accepted me, even loved me. Suddenly, this doesn't seem so bad. I even think that if this is what it took for you to admit that you love me then maybe it was worth it."

Frowning, Ranma said, "There are practical problems with the idea of me getting locked as a futanari right now. I'm registered as a guy at school and my legal identity is as a guy. I don't know how hard it would be to change that. I know if I tried to go to school as a girl or a futanari, I couldn't go to gym class because people would see how I'm different from a girl when I went to shower."

She thought further and finally said, "How about this? I'll still go to school as a guy but will stay in futanari form as much as I can outside of school. My Pop won't like it and my Mom may say it's unmanly, but I think I can live with that."

She gave a snort and said, "Besides, the rest of the family will find out eventually what happened to me. If they aren't willing to accept what's happened would you really be willing to run away with me?"

Akane nodded. "Yes, I would. I might have to if I can get the water to become a futanari myself. In fact I think I'll dig out my old backpack and get it ready in case we do need to leave in a hurry."

Ranma kissed Akane and said, "Thanks Akane." She got up and went to her own room to sleep.

Author's Note: Ranma's "marriage" to Shampoo is off. It remains to be seen if a friendship can develop between them, given Ranma's current mistrust of Shampoo. Ranma has agreed to Akane's plan to try and become a futanari herself along with Yuka's conditions for helping. The idea for the Futar was sort of whim. I may just leave it there as a curiosity or I may decide that I want to develop the idea further.

Many people reading this story will likely say that Cologne gave in too easily. I tried to cover that by having her say that she had grown tired of the game. Keep in mind that she also now has evidence that her opponents on the Council are willing to do more than just argue and debate. Some reviewers on my other stories have said I show too much anti-Amazon bias. It's true I don't much like Shampoo. On the other hand I think Cologne is perfect as the "wise old mentor." Normally Happosai isn't the kind of person you would go to for advice with a few exceptions in fan fiction. I hope I'm striking a balance in this story.

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