Ranma-Kun & Ranma-Chan

Ranma-Kun & Ranma-Chan

Friday, April 30, 2010

Background for "Nodoka's Lessons"

Background for “Nodoka’s Lessons”
By Michael A. Ivins

I’ll be honest with you, when I started the story, Nodoka’s Lessons I had no motivation other than to have scenes where Ranma was having sex with his mother. What plot there was existed solely to set up and support the sex scenes. I invented the device of the magic Family Stone so it would give a plausible sounding reason why canon characters would act OOC.

I did have to take a few liberties. The idea that Genma never gave Ranma “the Talk” I felt was plausible. It was a bit more of a stretch to present the idea that Ranma never got any sex ed or family planning classes in school. By making him almost completely ignorant of sex it made it more plausible that a Nodoka with boosted libido and magically decreased inhibitions might decide that it was her job to not just tell Ranma about sex but to show him what it was all about.

However, if I just had the parts about Ranma learning about sex from his mother, it made for a really short story. I felt that it was too short, so I put in that, after experiencing dildos penetration during sexplay with her mother, Ranma became curious about what it would be like to have sex with a live man when she was in girl form. That led to Ranma having sex with Genma.

It was in the reviews I got from this, that I learned that Genma was not popular as a male sex partner for Ranma’s girl side. It was from the response to that chapter in the story that the serious story elements that led to a sequel were introduced.

By Ranma taking the Family Stone to the Tendo home to get Genma interested, it also worked on Soun and his daughters. That led to a scene with the Tendo girls having sex with their father and each other and later to a family orgy.

As Nodoka’s Lessons is written the story could be canon or AU. Nothing said in the story really defines it. There is the one statement sorcerer Satoshi says about getting a goddess angry at you that suggests a crossover with AMG, but you could just dismiss it as exaggeration on his/her part.

The sequel I wrote is “Sailor Goddess” and is a crossover of Ranma, AMG and Sailor Moon. I haven’t finished posting that on the story site yet. Before I start posting it on this blog, I want to see what comments I get on this article. Anyone who reads the story on mediaminer.org is welcome to post comments on the story here.

Background to "I'm the Mother and the Father"

Background to “I’m the Mother and the Father?”
By Michael A. Ivins

My first effort at writing a Fanfic was the story “A Big Help.” I haven’t finished posting that one because I get too easily sidetracked into new stories. I’m not going to give the whole story here, but I do suggest you read what I do have posted on www.mediaminer.org .

In that story there is a scene where Ranma is talking to Dr. Tofu. Our favorite sex-changing martial artist has gotten numerous medical tests to see how complete the change to female is (or just how “female” his girl side is.) He also wants to know if the curse has changed his male side.

Ranma was told that his male side is a normal teenage boy and able to do anything that any other teenaged boy can do. That would include having sex with a girl and get her pregnant. The girl side is completely female all the down to the genetic level. In that form the only thing still male about Ranma would be her mind. The body would even be able to have sex with a boy and become pregnant.

While our aquatransexual was uncomfortable with the idea of sex with a boy, the doctor brought up another possibility. Obviously the only way Ranma’s boy and girl sides could have sex with each other was if they were split, but the doctor who evaluated the test results had another thought. If girl Ranma was artificially inseminated with sperm from boy Ranma then a pregnancy could result.

I didn’t pursue the idea further in that story, but I couldn’t let go of the idea. From the concept of Ranma getting herself pregnant deliberately through artificial insemination I move on to wonder if was a way for her to get pregnant accidentally.

It was that speculation that led to writing of the story “I’m the Mother and the Father.” It was originally was just going to be a one-shot. The concept was that Ranma was alone in the bath. He was thinking about a naked Akane, became aroused and started to masturbate. As Ranma was nearing orgasm Nabiki ignored the sign that said the bath was occupied and stepped to find the boy so busy that he didn’t notice a naked Nabiki. The middle Tendo thought it would be good for a laugh if she splashed Ranma while he was jerking off.

The whole point of the story was that Ranma was right in the middle of an orgasm with sperm ready to shoot. When Ranma became female that sperm didn’t transform and was taken inside to her uterus where it fertilized an egg that was ready. I was deliberately vague on the subject of why there was an egg there and whether girl Ranma had experienced a period.

The choice of Nabiki was not a reasoned out one, but in retrospect she is the only one who would serve. If Akane walked into the bath to find Ranma masturbating, she’d either flatten him with Mallet-Sama or she’d run from the room. To do otherwise would be OOC for her. If Kasumi were the one to walk in on Ranma she would probably just say “Oh my” and leave him to his privacy. Depending on how I was writing her, She might linger a while to watch or else leave immediately as soon as she realized what Ranma was doing. Again, for her to do otherwise would be OOC.

However, I can easily imagine the Nabiki created by Takahashi Rumiko being mischievous enough to splash Ranma in the middle of masturbation. It would appeal to her sense of humor. From there I was taking liberties with the character by having her engage in lesbian sex with girl Ranma at that point.

It was mainly needed for two reasons. The first was to keep Ranma in girl form long enough for the sperm to fertilize the egg in her womb. The second was to give Nabiki an additional reason to feel guilty over Ranma’s “condition.”

When I posted the first chapter of the story that was all I had intended to write. You could say the writing and posting of that chapter was a sort of catharsis for me. It got the idea out of my head and into a form that I and other people could read.

But then a curious thing happened. I started getting reviews from people liked the idea and wanted to know what happened next. So I wrote more chapters to explain how Ranma and the rest of the NWC dealt with Ranma’s pregnancy. I even surprised myself by putting in a running joke. Most people, when they first heard that Ranma was pregnant, assumed Ryoga was the father. Then when Ryoga hears about it he asks Ranma, “Are you trying to seduce me?”

The story as it will appear in this blog is slightly revised from what is posted on mediaminer.org. Occasionally I need a break from the story I’m currently working on and in those occasions I may re-read some of my older works. When I do that I can’t help fixing spelling and grammar mistakes.

When I first started writing I also had the tendency to write long stretches of dialog with many quotes but not properly identifying who was speaking. When even the author of a piece can read over his own work and get confused as to who is talking, you know there is a problem.

It is my hope that by posting my stories on this blog I can get more detailed feedback that the reviews on the story site. Most people seem to feel compelled to keep their comments brief. I am inviting any and all people who read this story and others on this blog to make detailed comments. What do you like, what do you hate? Where do you see holes in the story and how to you think those holes could be fixed?

Hopefully after I’ve had a few opinions on my stories I can post revised and improved versions on the story site.

Story Concept - "Nyaniichuan Rejuvenation."

Nyaniichuan Rejuvenation
Story concept by Michael A. Ivins

The anime I have of Ranma ½ always translates Nyaniichuan as “Spring of Drowned Young girl,” while Naniichuan is always translated as Spring of Drowned Man. I’m not the first person to notice this because there have been fanfics that made use of that. One of them is “Destiny’s Child by Fire. In that story Ranma fell into the spring 400 years ago and his cursed form was that of a 12 year old girl. When in girl form she didn’t age and it took almost boiling water to change to male so Ranma spent most of his time in that form. (He also turned out to be the reincarnation of Sailor Saturn, but that’s not relevant to this story concept.)

I don’t remember the titles but I do recall reading at least two fics where Cologne used Nyaniichuan water to change from old crone to teenage hottie. The usual problem with that is that such a rejuvenation causes her to change her priorities. She would decide that instead of helping Shampoo to catch Ranma, she decides to take him for herself.

I would formalize the concept as follows: I would say it so that Naniichuan (with no age reference in the name) will change a young girl to an adult male while an adult woman would change to a man of the same age as she started out. A male child would also change to an adult man while an adult man falling into the spring wouldn’t change at all.

The rule for Nyaniichuan would be that a girl of less than age 20 would suffer no change from falling into that spring. A woman 20 or older who fell in would change to a teenaged girl. If a boy of less than 20 fell into Nyaniichuan fell into the spring he would change into a girl of near the same age or slightly younger. If a man older than 20 fell into the same spring he would change into a teenage girl.

That gives the basic rules of magic for the background of the story. At some point in the story this would be explained. Now we come to the actual story concept.

I postulate the existence of a very old man. For this to be properly effective I would write him as being beyond a normal span of years for a human. He would be old enough that he would be tired of life. I would also conceive of this old man as being something of an adventurer so that he finds the infirmities of age especially onerous.

Because this old man is tired of his life and would like a chance to return to youth I propose that this man would be willing to give up his masculinity to use Nyniichuan to become a young girl and get a chance at a new life as a woman.

While this is obviously in the Ranma universe, so far nothing that I’ve said would require Ranma’s presence. To properly make this a Ranma story I would have the old man seek out Ranma to help him get hold of cursed water as well as water from Chiisuiton to lock the curse.

I would like to put into the story that after our old man becomes the young girl that she gets involved in romance with a member of the NWC. I haven’t decided which one yet.

Now as to who the old man is, I’ve had thoughts on 3 different men. One of them stays within the Ranmaverse. I was thinking that Happosai would begin to lose the ability to absorb female chi. Further the girl water would normally be fatal for him but with a talisman he gets just before the start of the story, he can now survive.

My second idea for the old man was Indiana Jones. If there are any people who would say there is no way Indie would still be alive in the 21st century, I would propose that he got some kind of magic that let him live longer. He also seems like the kind of person that Ranma would take a liking to and would want to help.

The third possibility for the Old Man is an OC. I was thinking of a nobleman in either England or Europe 400-500 years ago. This man befriends crashed aliens who zap him with a device that arrests his aging. He travels the world because he doesn’t dare stay in one place long enough for people to notice that he is not aging while everyone around him is. While traveling in the orient he learns martial arts because it is known that some martial artists can use ki techniques to prolong their lives.

An alternate version of that last one would have the Old Man as a Templar Knight. At any rate the concept would be that he was a middle aged man when his aging was frozen. The freeze on his aging wore off and about 20 years before he meets Ranma, he has started to age again at a normal rate.

I would like to hear what people think of these story ideas. Do you like the concept and if so which of the possible Old Men would you like to see put into a story? Which of the NWC would you like to see the transformed girl get romantically involved with? It doesn’t have to be a male member of the NWC either
I'm the Father and the Mother?
A Ranma Fanfic by Michael A. Ivins

Ranma and friends are owned by Rumiko Takahashi along with her publishers and Viz Video. I make no money off this so please don't sue me.

This story takes place after the failed wedding. It begins on a Sunday during a school break. In the morning Genma, Nodoka and Soun were all out doing something together. Akane spent the night with her friends, Yuka and Sayuri and came back in the afternoon. Kasumi was also out doing something. Nabiki and Ranma were all alone in the house together in the morning. Dr Tofu has come back from his sabbatical.

Ranma will be in girl form all throughout this whole story with the exception of the epilogue. In the main story Ranma will only be referred to with a masculine pronoun in flashbacks and in references made by other characters. For that reason I won’t bother referring to Ranma as “girl Ranma,” “onna Ranma” or “Ranma-Chan,” just Ranma.

WARNING: Parts of this story are Lemon. If that sort of thing offends you, please stop reading.

Chapter One
But I’m a Guy!

Ranma sat on her futon in her room and just stared off into space. It was hard to think clearly at the moment Too many thoughts were chasing each other around in her mind. A sound from downstairs brought her back to herself. Right, people were getting back. Well, can’t stay a girl all day. If nothing else, Pop would nag at her about it. Akane would probably be sure she was up to something perverted.

Ranma grabbed some clean clothes and headed downstairs to make use of the bath. As she passed the living room she noted that everyone who had been gone in the morning was back now. Akane was reading a book and Nabiki was reading a magazine. Soun and Genma were playing shogi as usual and Nodoka was off in the kitchen with Kasumi. She just hoped that she wouldn’t get close enough to anyone for them to smell her. That would pretty much prove she was a pervert.

Genma looked up from his game and asked, “Why are you a girl now?”

At this point the simplest explanation seemed like the best one. “I got splashed.” She didn’t want to give details, so left it at that. “I'm going to take a bath and get changed.”

Genma grunted and turned back to his game. He didn’t like to see his son spending any time as a girl, but if he was going to change right back he didn’t have a problem with it. Accidents did have a way of happening, after all. Considering how much time he spent as a panda, he could testify to that.

Ranma proceeded on to the bathroom, stripping off her clothes in the dressing area. The redhead tossed her boxers and tank top into the laundry basket. She laid down the change of clothes she had brought with her in preparation. From there she went on into the bathroom and sat on a stool as she filled a bucket to get wet before washing.

It had been a strange morning. It had started with training by doing katas in the dojo. When he had gone to wash up after training Nabiki had played a prank on him. What followed after that prank had changed the way she thought about the middle Tendo daughter. It also made her wonder if it was time to reconsider her relationship with Akane as well. In truth she had learned some things about her female body that made her wonder if the curse was really such a bad thing.

After she was finished washing she upended a tub of cold water over her head, rinsing off the soapsuds. She went up the steps of the furo and paused to watch the steam rise from the tub. She didn’t really like being a girl, did she? She was starting think that maybe she didn’t hate it. She shrugged and stuck her foot into the steaming water.

Out in the living room it was quiet. There was the occasional click of a shogi tile being placed, the soft rustle of pages being turned and the quiet murmur of conversation in the kitchen. Suddenly the peace of the quiet Sunday afternoon was shattered by the sound of a blood curdling scream from the bathroom. Everyone dropped what they were doing and ran to the bathroom. They were almost falling over each other when they got there to see girl Ranma standing naked in the tub screaming her head off. Wait a minute… Ranma was standing in a tub of steaming hot water and still a girl?

First things first, Kasumi decided. She grabbed a big towel and wrapped it around the distraught girl. Not that Ranma had much in the way of feminine modesty, but what she did have needed to be protected. The touch of the towel seemed to break Ranma’s fixation on whatever had started her screaming. “What happened?” Kasumi asked when Ranma had calmed down.

For all that she had been contemplating staying a girl for a little longer, not being able to change when she wanted was a shock. “I… I'm stuck again. I can't change. I… I don't know that happened to cause it.”

With the memory of that morning fresh in her mind, Nabiki was concerned. “I've heard that Dr. Tofu is back in town. Did you want to see him?”

Worry strongly evident on her face, Ranma nodded.

Akane said, “I'll call him,” and left the room.

Ever the practical one, Kasumi directed, “Alright everyone, let's give Ranma some privacy to get dressed.” She made shooing motions with her hands to get the people out of the room.

Before Kasumi and Nabiki could leave, Akane came back to say, “I called his number but only got a recording. It said he just got back and won't be seeing patients until tomorrow.”

Ranma looked sheepish as she said. “I… guess I can wait for tomorrow. I'm sorry for freaking out. I mean, it's not like I've never been stuck before.” Unspoken was the thought, “It’s just that every time I never know if I’ll ever get unstuck.”

That night Ranma slept poorly. She was going over in her mind the events from the morning and couldn’t help wondering. Could she somehow have locked the curse by something she had done? She didn’t think that could be possible, but she didn’t know enough about the curse to say for sure. Who could say when you were dealing with magic? Sure, there must be rules that magic must operate by, but who knew what those rules were?

The next morning Ranma left early to get to Dr Tofu's clinic right when he opened. If asked she couldn't have explained why she was feeling so agitated. As she'd told everyone the previous day, she had been stuck as a girl before. She'd always managed to get the curse back to what passed for normal. There was no reason to believe it was permanent this time. It couldn’t be because she’d had a moment of weakness and had thought that maybe the curse wasn’t completely bad, could it? No, that was silly.

Ranma got there just as Dr Tofu was unlocking the clinic door. In his usual cheerful manner he greeted the red haired girl, “Ranma, looks like you'll be my first patient of the day. What brings you here so early, a new injury?”

The redhead took a deep breath before saying, “Actually, no. My curse is stuck. I know curses and magic aren't your specialty, but I was hoping you could check me over to see if there is anything physically wrong with me that might cause that.”

Tofu could sense Ranma’s distress. Maybe an examination would help to calm her down. “Well, I can examine you. We’ll see what I can find out.”

Ranma went inside and the examination began. The very routine of the exam began to calm the girl down. Even though there were parts of the examination she didn’t like when she was a girl, she’d been through the routine before. When nothing glaring turned up right away the doctor drew some blood and took a urine specimen, telling Ranma he would be sending these off to a lab to be analyzed.

As the examination progressed Tofu was running out of ideas. Everything seemed perfectly normal for Ranma’s girl form. Heart rate and respiration were a little faster than usual and blood pressure a little higher but that was likely due to the girl’s obvious agitation. Maybe there was nothing physically wrong that could have influenced the curse.

The doctor asked, “Did anything out of the ordinary happen to you yesterday? Did you do anything different than usual?”

Ranma blushed and tried to bluff by saying, “When does anything ordinary ever happen to me?”

Noticing the blush, Tofu had to wonder if Ranma was hiding something. The reaction suggested some things to him that it might be worth checking on. Deciding to play a hunch he opened a cabinet then took a box off a shelf. Out of this he pulled a stick and asked, “Do you have enough urine left to pee on this?”

Ranma frowned. The stick looked familiar, like something she's seen in TV commercial, although she couldn’t remember what it was for. It was like some product she hadn’t paid much attention to because it was for girls. “I think so,” she answered.

The doctor handed the stick to Ranma and directed, “Please do that. I want to check something out.”

Ranma went back to the rest room to do as requested. The uneasy feeling was coming back. The doctor had never asked her to do something like this before. When she was done she returned the stick to Dr Tofu.

The Dr looked at the stick then turned it around and pointed to a large “plus” sign that now showed through a window. He explained, “This is a home pregnancy test. I keep some of them on hand for my younger female patients. The fact that you blushed when I asked about what you had been doing yesterday gave me a hunch. This symbol means you're pregnant, Ranma.”

The boy turned girl sat with her mouth gaping for a time. No! That couldn’t be true. Guys don’t get pregnant! It took a moment to gain enough composure to protest, “What! That's impossible.”

Keeping his expression neutral, Tofu said, “These tests are very reliable. But if you wish we could do it again.” Denial was a common reaction even with some patients who had been born women.

Ranma repeated the test twice more with a similar result both times. Dr Tofu told the girl, “With this confirmation there can be no doubt of it. You are pregnant. Considering that your curse first locked yesterday, it is a little soon for the results to show in this kind of test, but the magic of the curse may be accelerating the effect.”

While still feeling stunned, some of her critical faculties were starting to work again. Ranma said, “Look Doc, I know everybody thinks I'm completely clueless when it comes to sex, but I'm not a dumb as people think. Plus I've been through the lecture in health class. I don't know all the tiny little details, but I'm pretty sure that a girl has to have sex with a guy to get pregnant. Unless I was unconscious at the time and don't remember it, I have never had sex with a guy.”

Was this more denial? “What, never?”

Ranma looked at the floor with a frown. “Well… never that I can remember and certainly not yesterday. Other than katas in the dojo, I didn't even leave the house yesterday. If you don't count me, the only men present were my dad and Mr. Tendo. I certainly wouldn't do anything like that with either of them. Besides, they were gone most of the day.”

Trying to at least get the timing clear, Tofu asked, “What about Saturday?”

Ranma shook her head. “The closest I got to any thing like that was Akane calling me a pervert and hitting me. I went on a fairly long flight by way of Mallet Air and changed from guy to girl and back about a half dozen times on the way back. The curse definitely wasn’t locked on Saturday.”

Grasping at straws now, Tofu asked, “Exactly what were you doing the last time you changed? It could be important.”

Ranma blushed scarlet. “Uh… I…” She couldn't seem to bring herself to say. She was acutely embarrassed to talk about it, even with Dr. Tofu.

The doctor tried to reassure his patient. “Ranma, I’m your doctor. Anything you tell me will be held in strictest confidence.”

In spite of her embarrassment she knew he was trying to help her. Finally she was able to say, “I was… masturbating.”

Dr. Tofu nodded. That was not so strange for a boy Ranma’s age. “How did you come to be splashed while you were doing that?”

Still red faced, she related the story, “Well… I was in the bathroom and Nabiki walked in while I was too… busy to notice her. I guess she thought it would be funny to splash me when I was right in the middle of …that. She has a weird sense of humor.”

Little bits of medical knowledge were fitting together in Tofu’s mind like pieces of a puzzle, along with old sex education classes from the past. A theory suggested itself to him. It shouldn’t be possible, but then the curse shouldn’t be possible either. “Were you… ejaculating when you changed?”

Blushing an even deeper red now, Ranma demanded, “What! I don't see what that has to do with it.”

Tofu insisted “Please, Ranma. It might be important.”

Still looking uncomfortable, Ranma finally told the doctor, “If you say so, Doc. Yes, I was just about to cum but not squirting yet. Why is it important?”

“I have a theory.” The doctor began to explain.

* * *

Back at the Tendo home Nabiki was feeling conflicted. After the events of that Sunday morning she was forced to recognize the feelings she had for Ranma. When Ranma and the others had come back from China after the events at Jusendo Ranma and Akane had seemed to be getting closer, maybe even ready to finally declare their love openly. Then had come the failed wedding with the all of the confusion and violence and the incident with the cask of Naniichuan water. Now Akane was back to malleting Ranma over things that weren't his fault. While Nabiki didn't want to trespass on her sister's territory, she was worried that Akane might seriously hurt Ranma some day. Besides that Nabiki couldn't deny the attraction she felt for Ranma herself.

The main component of Nabiki’s physical attraction was to Ranma’s girl side and that had gotten stronger. While there were, in fact many admirable traits that Ranma had in both forms, it was the girl side that “got her juices flowing.” It had been true from the very first day when Nabiki had squeezed Ranma's breast to demonstrate to the rest of the family that this in fact was a girl. After what had happed the previous day she realized she might even be in love with Ranma. She felt physically attracted to her girl side and emotionally attracted to the character of the person inside both forms.

Sunday morning when everyone else beside Ranma and she were out, she had done her exercises in her bedroom. Having worked up a sweat, she had gone to the bathroom to wash up. The sign had been out to show the furo occupied but Nabiki was feeling mischievous. It might be fun to tease Ranma with her naked body. If he got too flustered she could say something like, “I'm practically your sister, what's the problem.”

What she found surprised her. Instead of yelling in embarrassment, the pigtailed martial artist didn’t notice Nabiki’s entrance. Ranma had been on his knees, with eyes closed he was masturbating vigorously. Even though she knew she felt more attracted to his girl side she had to admit that his equipment was… impressive. He truly lived up to the name `wild horse.'

It was obvious that Ranma was so… involved with what he was doing that he wasn’t aware of Nabiki’s presence. The brown haired girl idly wondered who it was that Ranma was thinking about as inspiration for his self pleasuring.

Then she noticed the two buckets of cold water that Ranma had filled for his washing up. Suddenly the mischievous urge took hold of her again. She picked up one of the buckets and prepared to throw the contents. It was probably terribly rude to interrupt someone in the middle of such an… activity. She just couldn't resist.

Just as the water started to fly Ranma's threw his head back with a look of great concentration on his face. His eyes were still closed. Nabiki realized he must have been reaching orgasm and instantly regretted throwing the water at that particular moment.

As the rapid change took place Ranma's male organ seemed to rapidly draw back into his body. The change was almost faster than the eye could follow. As the orgasm changed from a male one to a female orgasm a scream of pleasure erupted from Ranma's lips.

When the orgasm subsided, Ranma fell to her side, panting. She opened her eyes and looked around. Noticing the other girl, she weakly asked, “Nabiki, what'd you do that for?”

Nabiki couldn't have said with any certainty later what drove her to do it. It was just that Ranma looked so incredibly sexy lying there. Instead of answering the question she asked one of her own. “So, Ranma, now that you’ve experienced both, which was better, a boy orgasm or a girl orgasm?”

Her defenses were down and Ranma answered honestly. “Mmm, I think… the girl one. It was more intense and lasted longer.”

Nabiki’s expression turned lecherous. “Would you like another one?”

Ranma was slightly amazed at her self to be lying there naked and conversing with an equally naked Nabiki. “I really should be yelling at you to get out of here. But, yes, I would like another one. If I'd known how good a girl orgasm felt, I'd have been doing that as a girl all the time.”

As Ranma sat up Nabiki enveloped her in a tight embrace and kissed her deeply, her tongue probing at Ranma’s lips. Their hands began to explore each other's bodies. After a time Nabiki said, “This would be much more comfortable in a bed. Let's go to my room.”

Once in Nabiki's room they continued for hours doing nearly everything that one woman could do with another. They even made use of some sex toys that Nabiki had. At the end of it with both feeling totally satiated, Ranma asked, “Does this mean we're lovers?”

Thinking about her answer, Nabiki couldn’t deny that Ranma had used the proper word for it. “I… guess it does.” Her mercenary soul was telling her that she would never allow this to happen again and trying to think if there was some way she could profit from it. A rather different part of her wanted to silence the mercenary. She wanted to do it again and again, as often as Ranma was willing.

Ranma thought about it for a while. Finally she said, “That was wonderful. Thank you, Nabiki. Please don’t tell Akane about this. She already thinks I’m perverted enough.”

Again she could feel the fight between the mercenary and the real woman within. What had just gone on between the two of them was truly priceless. If she cheapened it by charging Ranma, she might never have a chance for a repeat. She realized that she really wanted to do this again sometime, preferably as soon as possible. She just wasn’t sure when it would happen.

“That’s Ok Ranma. I won’t tell her.” With a smirk she added, “This time I won’t even charge you to keep it quiet.”

“That’s very… generous of you.”

Nabiki was shaken out of her recollection of the previous day’s events by Ranma's shout of “Tadaima” from the entrance. Everyone was asking, “What did the Doctor say?” “Does he know why your curse is locked?”

Ranma had been thinking carefully what to say while she was walking home. She would ‘bend’ the truth a little and leave out parts of the truth, but not tell an outright lie. “He doesn't know for sure but he says he has a theory. He doesn't want to say what the theory is until some tests are done. He also took blood and urine samples and is having them sent off to a lab to be tested. For now it looks like I'm stuck this way. I don’t know for sure how long.”

The rest of the family looked like they wanted to question her but Ranma held up a hand to indicate “Wait.” She turned. “Uh… Nabiki could I talk to you in private?”

The expression on Ranma’s face told her this would be something she wouldn’t like. “Me, what do you want to talk to me about?”

Ranma fixed her with a glare. Nabiki wasn’t used to caving in under something like this, but for some reason she didn’t feel like she could refuse… her lover. “O… Ok. We can talk in my room.”

As the two teens headed up the stairs the rest of the family exchanged confused looks. Genma asked, “What was that about?”

Akane angrily ground out, “That baka’d better not be doing anything perverted with my sister.”

When they were in Nabiki's room and the door closed behind them, the brown haired girl crossed her arms under her breasts and demanded, “Ok, What’s this about Ranma?”

The shorter girl said, “I didn't want to tell everybody what Dr. Tofu's theory is. For now a theory is all it is. If it's true then my curse is locked because you got me pregnant,”

Ok, that was something that girls said to boys, not other girls. Nabiki couldn’t help herself. She nearly shouted, “I did WHAT!”

In a fierce whisper Ranma told her, “Keep your voice down!”

Nabiki abruptly sat on the bed and took several moments to gather her wits. In a low voice she said, “I will admit that the two of us spent hours yesterday in some of the hottest, most passionate girl-on-girl sex I've ever experienced. Those were some of the most wonderful hours of my life. I may be in love with you now. But, the last time I checked I don't exactly have the… equipment to get a girl pregnant, even a part-time girl.”

Ranma let go a deep sigh. “You didn't need it. If Dr. Tofu's theory is right, all you needed was that bucket of water you threw in the bathroom. You used my own ‘equipment’ to get me pregnant.”

“What? What you're saying sounds impossible. How could a bucket of water get you pregnant?”

The redhead explained, “Dr. Tofu thinks that you splashed me at the worst possible time. I was having an orgasm and ready to shoot. When I change, my external male organs don't disappear, they are absorbed into my body and change into female organs. The sperm that was `in the channel' to be shot out didn’t change and ended up right in my womb. Then the sperm just did what nature designed them to do. Since the sperm had no distance to travel I was probably pregnant before we left the bathroom.”

What was that? “Wait a minute. Are you saying you're pregnant and you're the father?”

“That's what Dr. Tofu thinks.” She groaned, “I can just hear my mom now, `My son is so manly, he even got himself pregnant.'”

Nabiki couldn't help herself; she began to snicker. This turned into a full-bodied laugh. She fell back on the bed and started slapping the mattress.

The very image feminine anger, Ranma stood with hands on hips and glared at Nabiki, saying, “This isn't funny!”

The brown haired girl got control of herself with an effort. “I know it's a serious situation but what you said about your mother is really funny.”

Ranma grudgingly admitted, “I guess you're right.” She looked more worried than amused.

Still trying to make sense of it, Nabiki tried again. “If it was your own sperm that did it, I don't understand how you can say I got you pregnant.”

Ranma explained, “It may be my own sperm that did it, but you're responsible. If you'd splashed me just a minute later, after I finished shooting all my sperm, I wouldn't be in this situation now.”

She didn’t feel it often but Nabiki could feel guilt stabbing her now. Trying to see a way out of this situation she asked, “Are you even sure you're pregnant?”

Ranma nodded. “Dr Tofu had some of those home pregnancy tests at his office and we tried three of them. They all showed positive. He said it would normally be too soon but the magic of the curse may have speeded things up a bit.”

Nabiki thought maybe it was something that just made Ranma’s body appear pregnant to the test. Maybe she wasn’t really pregnant. Nabiki asked, “What about those other tests you mentioned?”

“He wants to be extra sure,” Ranma said. She looked worried. “I also have to have some probe thing stuck up there so they can do a DNA test to try and see who the father is.”

Finally accepting that she may be responsible for Ranma’s condition, Nabiki stood up and took hold of the other girl’s shoulder. “Oh, Ranma, I'm so sorry you have to go through all that. I don't apologize for what we did after but I do apologize for splashing you when I did.”

Ranma wanted to be angry with the other girl, but just couldn’t. She said, “Th…Thanks, Nabiki.”

Still trying to wrap her mind around it Nabiki said, “I'm still not sure I understand how it's even possible. I mean I get the mechanics of it, but how can you get yourself pregnant?”

The redhead responded, “I asked Dr Tofu about that. He said that even though it’s a magic curse that brought the sperm and egg together, in principle it's no different than some guy getting his sister pregnant.”

Ranma had been trying to hold it together but finally lost control. She grabbed hold of Nabiki and buried her face in the taller girl's shoulder and started crying. She practically wailed, “Oh Nabiki! I don't know what to do! I'm so scared! What am I gonna do?”

Nabiki stood indecisively for a moment before she wrapped one arm around Ranma and with the other began gently stroking her hair. “It'll be OK. We'll figure it out. There has to be something we can do.”

Author's Note: I got the idea for this story when I was writing a much longer Ranma crossover fanfic. This didn't really fit into the bigger story but I just couldn't let go of the concept of Ranma's boy side getting his girl side pregnant (without splitting them into two people.) I originally intended this to be a short one shot, but a review I got suggested a direction I could take to add on. I've re-written this first part. Most of that was correcting grammar and punctuation but I also made some changes to make it fit with the rest of the expanded story

Monday, April 26, 2010

Welcome to Magic_I

Welcome to Magic I.
I've never done a blog before so I'm kind of feeling out my way here. I'm not sure exactly what I can do with this. As I said in "about me" as a hobby I write fan fictions about anime character Ranma 1/2. Currently I am posting my stories on mediaminer.org. A lot of what I write is Lemon (which in fanfic terminology means it has sex scenes.) If I can figure out how to do it I would like to be able to post my stories on my own site as well as be able to tell about ideas I have for new stories. Hopefully I can get opinions from people about my stories that will help me to refine and improve them and also to decide which of my ideas to turn into stories. I will be playing around with this. If anyone has suggestions on how to do what I want with this blog, let me know.